Commentary on Tom Radcliffe and Carolyn Ray's A Conceptualist Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics
Author: David Ward,
Subject: Epistemology, Metaphysics, Method, Philosophy of Science, Physics,
Type: Academic, Annual Meeting, Commentary, Draft,
Size: 18 K, Date: 2001-5-16
A Conceptualist Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics
Author: Tom Radcliffe, Carolyn Ray,
Subject: Epistemology, Metaphysics, Physics,
Type: Academic, Annual Meeting, Draft,
Size: 48 K, Date: 2001-4-30
Objectivism and Academe: The Progress, The Politics, and The Promise
Author: Chris Sciabarra,
Subject: Aesthetics, American History, Ancient Philosophy, Artificial Intelligence, Christianity, Cognitive Science, Computer Science, Epistemology, Ethics, Feminism, Intellectual History, Linguistics, Literary Analysis, Mathematics, Medieval Philosophy, Metaphysics, Philosophy of History, Philosophy of Mind, Philosophy of Science, Physics, Politics, Psychology, Self Esteem,
Type: Commentary, Online Conference,
Size: 29 K, Date: 2001-2-15
Differential Synthetic Geometry: a Possible Foundation for a Theory of Gravity
Author: Craig Spencer,
Subject: Physics, Mathematics,
Type: Academic, Master's Thesis,
Size: 2 K, Date: 2000-9-25
Problems with the Theory of Elementary Waves: Conceptualism, Realism, and Experimental Reality
Author: Tom Radcliffe,
Subject: Physics,
Type: Academic,
Size: 22 K, Date: 2000-8-22
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