cognitive science
Churchland Debunked, Commonsense Psychology Vindicated
Author: Will Wilkinson,
Subject: Artificial Intelligence, Cognitive Science, Epistemology, Logic, Philosophy of Mind, Psychology,
Type: Academic, Graduate,
Size: 32 K, Date: 2001-8-28
Author: Carolyn Ray,
Subject: Artificial Intelligence, Cognitive Science, Epistemology, Linguistics, Logic, Method,
Type: Academic, Annual Meeting, Draft,
Size: 54 K, Date: 2001-7-11
The Universality and Employment of Concepts
Author: Bryan Register,
Subject: Artificial Intelligence, Cognitive Science, Epistemology, Philosophy of Mind, Psychology,
Type: Academic, Graduate, Journal Reprint,
Size: 88 K, Date: 2001-6-6
Objectivism and Academe: The Progress, The Politics, and The Promise
Author: Chris Sciabarra,
Subject: Aesthetics, American History, Ancient Philosophy, Artificial Intelligence, Christianity, Cognitive Science, Computer Science, Epistemology, Ethics, Feminism, Intellectual History, Linguistics, Literary Analysis, Mathematics, Medieval Philosophy, Metaphysics, Philosophy of History, Philosophy of Mind, Philosophy of Science, Physics, Politics, Psychology, Self Esteem,
Type: Commentary, Online Conference,
Size: 29 K, Date: 2001-2-15
Entities, Concepts, and Propositions: A Computational Approach
Author: Ted O'Connor,
Subject: Artificial Intelligence, Cognitive Science, Epistemology, Metaphysics, Philosophy of Mind, Computer Science,
Type: Academic, Online Conference, Undergraduate,
Size: 40 K, Date: 2001-2-11
Strong AI Theorists Fail to Account for Human Experience
Author: Luis Concepcion,
Subject: Metaphysics, Philosophy of Mind, Cognitive Science, Artificial Intelligence,
Type: Undergraduate,
Size: 37 K, Date: 2000-11-1
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