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  • chris sciabarra

    Chris Matthew Sciabarra was awarded the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Politics (political philosophy, theory, and methodology) in 1988 from New York University. His dissertation was entitled "Toward a Radical Critique of Utopianism: Dialectics and Dualism in the Works of Friedrich Hayek, Murray Rothbard, and Karl Marx." Also from New York University, Dr. Sciabarra earned his Master's degree in Politics in 1983 and his Bachelor of Arts degree in History (with honors), Politics, and Economics in 1981. He is the author of the "Dialectics and Liberty" trilogy, and is a founding editor of The Journal of Ayn Rand Studies. Among his publications are Total Freedom: Toward a Dialectical Libertarianism; Ayn Rand: The Russian Radical; Marx, Hayek, and Utopia; and Feminist Interpretations of Ayn Rand. For additional information about Dr. Sciabarra, please see his CV.

    Transcripts of the First Online Conference
    Author: Bryan Register, Ted O'Connor, Matt Zwolinski, Bryan Register, Chris Sciabarra, Irfan Khawaja, Agnes Koos, Subject: Epistemology, Ethics, Metaphysics, Politics, Type: Academic, Commentary, Draft, Informal, Online Conference, Size: 6 K, Date: 2001-4-21

    Objectivism and Academe: The Progress, The Politics, and The Promise
    Author: Chris Sciabarra, Subject: Aesthetics, American History, Ancient Philosophy, Artificial Intelligence, Christianity, Cognitive Science, Computer Science, Epistemology, Ethics, Feminism, Intellectual History, Linguistics, Literary Analysis, Mathematics, Medieval Philosophy, Metaphysics, Philosophy of History, Philosophy of Mind, Philosophy of Science, Physics, Politics, Psychology, Self Esteem, Type: Commentary, Online Conference, Size: 29 K, Date: 2001-2-15

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