Enlightenment is dedicated to the discovery, encouragement, publication, and advancement of rational scholars and scholarship focusing on or using the method of objectivity. This site currently publishes six million words of new original research and analysis, and a couple of essential classics too.

Day of Remembrance Prayer
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Annual Meeting

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  • Online Journals
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  • Recent Releases
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  • Topics
  • Email Lists
  • Dissertations & Theses
  • Journal of Objectivity
  • Fiction
  • Resumes
  • Poetry
  • John Locke's Essay

    How and Why We Do It:

  • Submission Guidelines
  • Why We Exist
  • What's Objectivism?
  • Operating Budget
  • Become A Member

    Outside Links

    Contact us:
    Dr. Carolyn Ray
    Dr. Tom Radcliffe

    (Have you seen
    our journals? )

  • enlightenment's first annual meeting

    will be held in La Jolla, California, June 3rd - June 7th, 2001

    March 1st is the deadline for submitting preliminary application materials. Please see the latest news for more details on requirements and adjusted due dates.

    Submit Paper Proposals

    Apply as a Participant

    Help us!

    We're doing this because we want to know, to learn, to challenge ourselves and each other--and to find students and scholars and work that otherwise would go unnoticed.

    So what we need is brains.

    If you have some, or know where we can find some, then you can help!

    If you'd like to help Enlightenment, consider doing any of the following:

    • print out the Call for Papers, and post them in academic departments or around campus (please don't litter or trespass--it's not right and it won't help!). Just print directly from the web page, or feel free to save the document and reformat it using your preferred word processor.

      You might even post copies on your company's bulletin board--lots of scholars, such as Tom Radcliffe, Carolyn Ray, Larry Sanger, Irfan Khawaja, Rick Minto, Jamie Mellway, Andrew Breese, Ted O'Connor, and Bill Sullivan, work in "the real world" as well as in academia. You never know who you might scare out of the woodwork.

    • forward electronic copies of the Call for Papers to academic departments, web sites, news groups, and intellectually-inclined discussion lists.

    • encourage scholars (including yourself!) to submit their work to the site, to Objectivity, or to the electronic and physical conferences.

    • talk to your friends and acquaintances about us

    • link to this site from your site; every link counts, even if you get only one visitor per year.

    • notify web site administrators of our presence, and ask them to fix dead links

    • help fund a student's attendance at the annual meeting. Any contribution would help defray costs of travel, lodging, and food. Please contact Carolyn Ray, light_OF_enlightenment.supersaturated.com , 858-550-9498, directly to discussion options.