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The 1st Annual Enlightenment Meeting
June 3rd - 7th, 2001 La Jolla, CA, USA
Application Procedures
The purpose of this interdisciplinary meeting is to discuss current
writing and thought by scholars working in the Aristotelian, Abelardian,
Lockean, and Objectivist traditions. All participants are expected to
critique each other's work in a spirit of collaboration toward the common
goal of truth-seeking.
Topics may include but will not be
limited to logic in artificial intelligence and natural language, natural
language parsing software, formal ontology, a theory of propositions, the
nature of entities, emotion and cognition, the relationship between the
findings of quantum mechanics and the principle of causality, the
structure and nature of concept hierarchies, the role of dialectic in
Scholastic thought, emergent properties, the morality of pornography,
Locke's historical plain method, epistemic issues in understanding visual
arts, the value of nature.
Requirements for Acceptance
To be accepted to the conference, regardless of whether you will present a
paper, you must submit:
your contact information, including phone, address, and email
address. URL is optional.
one substantial essay suitable for publication on the Enlightenment
web site. The original purpose and completion date of the essay is
immaterial. Essays written for academic coursework are welcome. Please
see the
guidelines for instructions.
- critical responses to two of the existing essays, by (an)
other than you, on the Enlightenment site, or on some other existing web
site. These well-argued critiques should be 3 or more pages long
include appropriate references. These responses will also be published on
the site. (Note: These critical responses are required in addition to the
commentary you will submit in
response to one of the conference papers.)
a biographical note. Please include your degrees, the major
and minor fields, the granting institutions, and the dates granted; if
major papers or projects were completed in fulfillment of the
requirements, please include the titles. You may make the biographical
note as long and detailed as you wish. It will be posted on your author
page on the Enlightenment site, and may be updated as you see fit. A
version of it will be printed in the proceedings of the meeting as well.
Submission Timeline
November 1st, 2001
Participants who intend to present papers must apply by November
1st, 2000. Please see the
Call for
Papers for details.
March 1st, 2001
Application materials are due.
May 1st, 2001
Partipants' drafts of commentaries on the papers to be delivered at the
meeting are due. Each participant is required to submit at least one
written commentary. Revisions to the commentaries will be accepted before
publication of the proceedings.
Submissions: must be submitted via email, to Dr. Carolyn Ray,
light@enlightenment supersaturated.com; no physical hardcopy
will be considered.
Ascii (.txt) , Word (.doc), or Rich Text Format (.rft) are all acceptable formats. Please do not send
pdfs; consult with the conference director in extenuating circumstances.
Please Post September 25, 2000 through May 1st, 2001