Call for Papers

The 1st Annual Enlightenment Meeting

June 3rd - 7th, 2001 La Jolla, CA, USA

The purpose of this interdisciplinary meeting is to discuss current writing and thought by scholars working in the Aristotelian, Abelardian, Lockean, and Objectivist traditions. Clear and explicit use of the method of objectivity is strongly encouraged. Topics may include but will not be limited to logic in artificial intelligence and natural language, natural language parsing software, formal ontology, a theory of propositions, the nature of entities, emotion and cognition, the relationship between the findings of quantum mechanics and the principle of causality, the structure and nature of concept hierarchies, the role of dialectic in Scholastic thought, emergent properties, the morality of pornography, Locke's historical plain method, epistemic issues in understanding visual arts, the value of nature.

All Participants will be required to submit polished written commentaries, to be printed in the proceedings, on some if not all of the papers. Proceedings of the meeting will be published as a trade paperback and made available for general sale via the web after the conference. All participants, including those presenting papers, should consult the Enlightenment web site for application procedures and commentary guidelines.

Submissions: must be submitted via email, to Dr. Carolyn Ray,; no physical hardcopy submissions will be considered. Ascii (.txt) , Word (.doc), or Rich Text Format (.rft) are all acceptable formats. Please do not send pdfs; consult with the conference director in extenuating circumstances. Applications will be available on the web site, Questions and submissions should be addressed to Carolyn Ray (Ph.D. Philosophy, Indiana University), carolyn A T supersaturated

Please Post September 25, 2000 through May 1st, 2001