The purpose of this interdisciplinary meeting is to discuss
current writing and thought by scholars working in the Aristotelian,
Abelardian, Lockean, and Objectivist traditions. Clear and explicit use of
the method of objectivity is strongly encouraged. Topics may include but
will not be limited to logic in artificial intelligence and natural
language, natural language parsing software, formal ontology, a theory of
propositions, the nature of entities, emotion and cognition, the
relationship between the findings of quantum mechanics and the principle
of causality, the structure and nature of concept hierarchies, the role of
dialectic in Scholastic thought, emergent properties, the morality of
pornography, Locke's historical plain method, epistemic issues in
understanding visual arts, the value of nature.
Formal Submissions: Typical formal submissions are expected to be
works-in-progress, such as Master's or Doctoral dissertation chapters,
articles being prepared for submission to professional journals, book
chapters, etc. Please see the timeline below.
- Informal Submissions : To allow for the fruitful discussion of
less developed works, pieces in various states of completion will be
accepted at any time for publication on the web site. Participants are
encouraged to arrange informal discussion of these topics before and
during the meeting. Please consult the web site for additional information
and assistance over the next few months.
- In-Absentia Submissions: If you are unable to attend, it may
still be possible to have your paper discussed and included in the
proceedings. All other application and submission
requirements apply.
All Participants will be required to submit polished written
commentaries, to be printed in the proceedings, on some if not all of the
papers. Proceedings of the meeting will be published as a trade paperback
and made available for general sale via the web after the conference.
All participants, including those presenting papers, should consult the
Enlightenment web site for application procedures and commentary
Submission Timeline - November
1st, 2000 : Express interest in submitting a paper by midnight PST,
November 1st, 2000. Include your
application materials and a coherent description (300-500 words) of
the topic, of its general importance, and how the proposed paper will
employ the method of objectivity. Expressing interest
at this point does not commit you to presenting a paper, but will let us know roughly how many people to expect and what sorts of topics will be formally proposed.
February 1st, 2001 : Submit a detailed abstract or a detailed outline
of the paper, or else an early draft of the paper in progress, by midnight
PST, February 1st, 2001. Submission of this material will be considered
evidence of your intention to attend and present the paper. These
submissions will be published on the Enlightenment web site.
- April 1st, 2001 : Submit a late draft of the paper by
midnight PST, April 1st, 2001. The draft will be taken as a firm
commitment to present the paper at the conference. The paper's title will
be listed in subsequent announcements, space will be made for your
presence and for the paper's presence in the proceedings, and commentators
will be assigned. The paper will be published on the Enlightenment web
site. There is no page limit, but 10,000 words should be considered an
upper bound for maximum quality feedback during the conference. Revisions
may be made to the paper after submission and before the meeting, but all
substantive changes must be made available on the web site by May 15.
May 1st, 2001
Partipants' drafts of commentaries are due. Each participant is required to submit at least one written commentary. Revisions to the commentaries will be accepted before publication of the proceedings.
Submissions: must be submitted via email, to Dr. Carolyn Ray,;
no physical hardcopy submissions will be
considered. Ascii (.txt) , Word (.doc), or Rich Text Format (.rft) are all acceptable formats. Please do not send
pdfs; consult with the conference director in extenuating circumstances.
Applications will be available on the web site, Questions and
should be addressed to Carolyn Ray (Ph.D. Philosophy, Indiana University),
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