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amazonian assistance
Here's something new: Enlightenment will now accept paid
advertising. A quick tour around our site will tell you that scholarly
activity is our primary interest, and that a quiet, distraction-free
display of text is our preferred environment. Show your support for these
intrepid warriors for reason by advertising your enterprise with a
sophisticated, text-only ad. (Design assistance is available.) For hit
rates and pricing, please write to carolyn_OF_supersaturated.com.
How you can ensure that Enlightenment will receive funding through your
purchase of a book or movie through Amazon.com:
Our agreement with Amazon is very specific. If you're trying to help us by
following our links to Amazon.com, here is what you need to know:
Enlightenment gets 5% (five percent) of a sale, if you click in through a
generic link, OR if you use one of the special links to particular books
but buy some other book instead. OR, if you buy a movie or DVD, neither of
which is eligible for the 15% earning.
Say you need books, and decide to click through to Amazon
from the Enlightenment site, even though we don't link to the books you
need. If you buy $100 worth of books, we'd get $5! That would pay for
about six days of the site's existence. Twelve such purchases would fund
both the space on the web server and the phone line to the
web site for one month.
This would make Carolyn smile.
Enlightenment gets 15% (fifteen percent) of a sale, IF and ONLY
IF you buy the particular book named in the link, AND do so during the
visit to the book's page on Amazon, AND if the book is on sale that day
for a 10%-30% discount (which most of them are).
Say you decide to buy How to Become a Whim-Worshipping
Muscle-Mystic--Without the Hassles of Religion for $10, because one of the
evil evaders writing for this site reviewed it. If you click the book
title link, and buy it as soon as you get there, Enlightenment gets $1.50.
You've just paid for a day of hosting on the web server.
Note well: As soon as you get to the page on Amazon describing the
book mentioned on this site, drop it in your shopping cart. You have to
purchase the book before you leave the site. If you leave and come
back later, Enlightenment gets nothing.
Here is an excerpt from the Amazon agreement that explains the fee
schedule--not very well, granted. I don't think I'll fully understand this
until the site has actually generated some revenues and I can see how it
all works:
Referral Fee Schedule
You will earn referral fees based on Qualifying Revenues according to
referral fee schedules to be established by us. "Qualifying Revenues" are
revenues derived by us from our sales of Qualifying Products, excluding
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credit card processing fees, and bad debt. The current referral fee
schedule is:
15% of Qualifying Revenues from the sale of each Individually Linked Book
that, on the date of order, is listed in our catalog at 10% to 30% off the
publisher's list price and that is added to the customer's Shopping Cart
directly from the first page that results from following a Special Link to
the Individually Linked Book.
5% of Qualifying Revenues from sales of all other Qualifying Products
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date of order, are listed in our catalog at the publisher's list price
(such as special order books) or at a deep discount of more than 30% off
the publisher's list price; and Qualifying Products other than books
(e.g., CDs, DVDs, VHS tapes, and so on).
However, referral fees for products other than books, music, and videos
are limited to a maximum of $10 per item, regardless of the Qualifying
Revenues derived from the sale of any such item.
You should note that only books can qualify as "Individually Linked Books"
and that the referral fee percentage for any Qualifying Products other
than books is 5% of Qualifying Revenues (up to a maximum of $10 for
products other than books, music, and videos), regardless of whether such
item is individually listed on your site.
we're still doing it for love.
we just need some cash, so that our
operating budget can reach (or--dare we
hope?--exceed) its current obscenely
overinflated goal.
(philos loving , sophia
If you'd like to help Enlightenment, please buy books and movies via
links directly to amazon.com, link to this site from your site, or see the
Annual Meeting Page for additional ways to assist in the discovery and
advancement of Objectivist scholars.