Enlightenment is dedicated to the discovery, encouragement, publication, and advancement of rational scholars and scholarship focusing on or using the method of objectivity. This site currently publishes six million words of new original research and analysis, and a couple of essential classics too.

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  • John Locke's Essay

    How and Why We Do It:

  • Submission Guidelines
  • Why We Exist
  • What's Objectivism?
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    Outside Links

    Contact us:
    Dr. Carolyn Ray
    Dr. Tom Radcliffe

    (Have you seen
    our journals? )

  • our mission

    The mission of Enlightenment is to discover, encourage, develop, publish, and promote Objectivist scholars and scholarship. Our programs offer scholars the means, motive, and opportunity to effectively pursue their passion for writing. Our methods enable scholars to encourage and assist each other in the common goal of publishing scholarly writings in the Objectivist tradition.

    Goals of Enlightenment

    • Means: We will provide scholars with tools and resources to improve their writing and analysis skills.
    • Motive: We will provide scholars with the encouragement and support necessary to write.
    • Opportunity: We will provide scholars with internet and print forums in which to publish their works.

    Enlightenment Staff

    Enlightenment is headed by its founder, Dr. Carolyn Ray (carolyn_OF_supersaturated.com). She is currently assisted by Dr. Tom Radcliffe (tom_OF_siduri.net. Please e-mail us with questions, comments, and offers of help!