Enlightenment is dedicated to the discovery, encouragement, publication, and advancement of rational scholars and scholarship focusing on or using the method of objectivity. This site currently publishes six million words of new original research and analysis, and a couple of essential classics too.

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    Dr. Carolyn Ray
    Dr. Tom Radcliffe

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    Notice! New guidelines as of 2/12/2001


    The tradition of resume art is deeply evil. It is not only difficult to format a resume in a regular word processors; it is frightening to convert these gems from Word and Word Perfect formats to something that looks good on the web but doesn't take up a lot of physical space on the server. Therefore, please either mark up your own resume in HTML code, or create it in some simple word processor such as Notepad or Word Pad--something that won't throw in a lot of proprietary code. Resumes that are converted to HTML by Word are not acceptable; the reason is that Microsoft does this quite incompetently, producing documents that take up twice the necessary space and that are practically unparsable by standard and custom programs. When I remove that code, much of the formatting is lost.

    As long as you stick to these guidelines, you may make your resume look any way that you want.

    Other Documents

    Word and Word Perfect files will no longer be accepted. You must save your file in Rich Text Format (.rtf or help file format) before sending it.

    PDF's will only be accepted when the work legitimately includes symbols (for example, logical symbols or mathematical symbols) that are difficult to display in text/html format. Please also send a text version of the work, so that our local search engine will be able to see inside it; it will be linked to the PDF.

    If the work requires diagrams, these should be saved as gifs and the text marked for insertion. If you can just as easily state the ideas in your diagram in words, then please leave the diagram out. If there are other formatting issues, kindly check with me to make special arrangements.

    The name of the file should be one word, however long the title of the work is. Optimally, your own name should be included in that file name. For example, if your title is "On Ideas As Such: Short Commentary on a Selection from The Critique of Pure Reason, Transcendental Dialectic," your file name could be "mellwaytrans.rtf" or "jamiekant.rtf". Please do not put underscores or hyphens or spaces in the filename, as they create the additional work of removing them. Your file name will most likely not be kept in any case; but extraneous characters and spaces make it difficult for me to download and access your file, and without your name they are more difficult to keep organized. I thank you for your kind support in this matter.

    Your name must appear inside the file, just in case disaster strikes and I don't remember who sent what. One occurrence of your name on the first page is all that is necessary--no headers or footers, please.

    Thank you for your patience and assistance!

    Enlightenment is reaching out to Objectivists, Objectivist scholars and writers, and objective non-Objectivists, to furnish forums for the publication of Good Work. The collection includes work about Objectivist philosophy as well as work about unrelated issues or in unrelated areas that are produced by clear, objective, reasonable thinkers. If you have some Good Work to offer, please don't hesitate to inform us. I know that some people have been hesitating to publicize their work here because they don't think that it would be of special interest to "Objectivists." But "Objectivists" are all kinds of people. And with the growing numbers of maturing scholars--both academic and non-academic--who sympathize with one or more aspects of Objectivist philosophy, the Enlightenment audience is much wider than we can comfortably imagine.

    Readers here seek their own level; not everyone will be interested in commentaries on prime matter in Aristotle's Metaphysics or cogitations on Searle's performatives. But some people will be interested in them; and if just one person reads your old college paper on Husserl here and because of it makes a new conceptual connection, then Enlightenment's purpose is fulfilled. Traffic is increasing daily, and visitors stay a while exploring the collection. That wouldn't be the case if the general consensus were "Who'd wanna read this dumb ol essay on Peirce that's been sitting in the back of my t-shirt drawer?"

    Scholarship: It's not just for academia!

    Formatting and Data

    Please make our task easier! We would like to get your work on the web as soon as possible. You can help us by simplifying the formatting.
    1. Single-space the whole essay
    2. Leave one single blank line between block quotations and the main text
    3. Separate paragraphs with a single blank line
    4. Don't indent the first line of the paragraph
    5. Don't right-justify anything
    6. Put long quotations in block quotes, indented by changing the margins in the formatting options (please ask us if you don't know how to do this. Tabs and other more mysterious whitespace are no end of difficulty).
    7. Avoid fancy stuff such as non-standard indentation, boxes, lines.
    8. Avoid non-English characters--mathematical and logical symbols are obvious exceptions.
    9. Use Times New Roman font

    At the top of your essay, be sure to include:

    • your full name
    • e-mail address
    • phone number
    • a 2-5 sentence abstract

    The essay should be attached as RTF (to preserve formatting). Please send your submissions to light_OF_enlightenment.supersaturated.com.