Current | After 29 May 2001 |
CM 1201, 5500 Wabash Ave. | 4 Old Forge Rd. |
Terre Haute, IN 47803 | Scituate, MA 02066 |
(812)877-8713 | (781)545-4732 |
To obtain a challenging and intellectually stimulating position involving computer science in industry, research, or education.
GPA: General 3.14/4.00, Major 3.58/4.00
Minor: Japanese
Artificial Intelligence, Aspect Oriented Programming, Computer Architecture I & II, Data Structures, Human-Computer Interaction, Operating Systems, Programming Language Concepts, Software Engineering I & II, UNIX Systems Programming, Programming for the X Window System, Senior Project I & II, Theory of Computation
Helped develop the requirements, specification, design, implementation, and testing of a framework for the dynamic manipulation of Java bytecodes.
Project Sponsor: Tivoli Systems, Inc.
Investigated the usability of software packages in the Speiros runtime environment.
Provide network space for a mailing list archive.
Assist in the operation and maintenance of over 12 mailing lists serving over 800 users.
Assist students having difficulty in the various computer science classes.
Offered Supplemental Instruction sessions for Calculus II students.
Proficient in ANSI/POSIX C, Java, Perl, and Scheme R4RS/R5RS. Familiar with Emacs LISP, MIPS and C6X Assembly languages, Python, Unix shells, ANSI Common LISP, and others.
Solaris, Linux, BeOS, QNX, MacOS, Windows 9x/NT/2000